Posted in Daily Blog

Get crafty!

Not thinking about food and not snacking can be very hard. I have learned the hard way that boredom is the worst enemy of weight loss. With my various health conditions I am very limited in what I can do physically, not being able to do much physically sometimes it can be very easy to get bored. If I get bored I can start to think about food and snack and so the cycle begins.

When I started going through my cancer treatments I was even more limited in what I could do. I do like to read but that made me very tired and with my Fibromyalgia it can be hard to take in anything on TV. So I decided to learn a craft. I taught myself to knit and it is one of the best decisions I have made. If you keep your hands busy you keep your mind busy and therefore stop the boredom.

There are so many different kinds of crafts out there and lots of instructional type videos on YouTube. You can pretty much teach yourself to do anything these days!

Just an example of a few of the things I have made.

Innocent smoothie hats and Leeds United hat and scarf

So if you want something to keep you busy get a little hobby! I would love to know what you find! Feel free to leave a comment below!


35 Year old happy go lucky chick and cancer survivor. Living with fibro and on a journey to lose weight hopefully for the last time!

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